#2 Form Generator

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Form Generator

The insipriation for this project was the complex gemontry of Islamic design. There are patterns that is used throughout the Middle East that you can find in mosques, palaces, and other buildings. Supposedly the tradition began in the 8th century and since then has developed into new and versatile forms of expression. The awesome thing about these type of designs is that they can be made with with very simple shapes. It all starts from creating a circle that's split up into four, five, or six equal sections and the divisions give rize to equal patterns. There is also an underlying grid with consturction lines that makes many different designs possible. This can then be tessilated infinitely on any canvas.

Design Process

I sort of just started with the circle split into four sections and the construction lines in the form of four triangles. From there I added four different colors to each trinagle that randomly changed but stayed within their respected color range which blend with eachother using blendMode(). I also set a randomizer to the size of the circle that changed with every frame. Additionally, I added function that changs the blend type when the mouse is pressed and toggles the strokes visibility when a key is pressed. Finally every time one of these buttons are pressed the frame rate increases by a fourth. The more you click on the buttons the faster the shapes/colors transition which adds a trippy effect.


It was difficult figuring out exactly what I wanted to do with the Islamic design concept. All I knew is that I wanted to use it so I kind of just winged it and played around with different features that p5js provides until I liked what I saw. I apprecite how much freedom there is to the library and how very cool and interesting designs can come from thinking outside the box.