#7 Bitmap Game

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Crazy Chaos Cave

Caves have often been used as a metaphor for the mind. The further one goes through the cave the more they can discover about themsleves and maybe even the world around them. It's also possible to encounter places in the mind that can be self-destructive or dangerous for that individual's well-being. It takes courage to confront one's self and it certain cases it can only be done alone.

Everyone's cave has different obstacles and rewards but each shares the common the of the human experience. Plato uses the allegory of the cave to compare perspective and knowledge to one freeing themself and escaping the cave. The Crazy Chaos Cave is a javascript version of this concept brought to life.



In my earlier days of the internet I would play games similar to the kind I've tried to develop all the time on sites like Newsgrounds.com or Ebaumsworld.com. I guess playing them so often has influenced the direction I wanted to go in for this assignment. Never did I expected to come up with what my results were. There are so many variables that need to constantly be taken into consideration when developing a game. Even the super basic things like walls, collision interation, and movement require a lot of attention and percision. As the lines of code began piling on I did begin using arbitrary numbers for things like the distance of bad guys, attacks, and things of that nature which I don't prefer to do but know exactly how to use numbers more methodically comes with experience I guess.